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2. Preface: "The world is a united whole and of necessity have to be described from only one theory." | "The world is a united whole, because it is material."
3. Introduction to the OntoDialectics: "I exist." | "My other exists too." | "The existent is." | "The world is a united whole, because it exists." | …everything… nothing… | The existent is united... the united existent conserves and preserves itself. | Self-conservation (self-preservation) of the existent | Self-determination of the existent | ...primary being... elementary onto-particle (EOP)... the being in itself... the being with others... | The existent is Absolute - unity of being in itself and being for itself.
4. Formulation and physical interpretation of the basic onto-principles: …mass... | …space... elementary space-cell (ESC)... | …time... elementary time-interval (ETI)... | The laws of self-conservation and self-determination of the existent... fundamental onto-principles (FOP) | ...fundamental physical constants... | The authenticity of fundamental onto-principles in each moment of time... | Physical interpretation of the fundamental onto-principles… | The conservation laws of energy and momentum... | The Einstein's formula of full energy... | The de-Broil's formula of energy of a physical body... | The corpuscular-wave conception... | The Heisenberg's relation of indeterminacy...
5. Self-determination and self-formation of the existent: In this way through the individual (particular), the existent forms itself as everything. | …"the light's propagation in the void with constant speed"... virtual elementary particles... | …why the photon's mass at rest is equal to zero…
6. General law of interaction: …the real-existent macro space must... to become smaller or to spread, when the quantity of energy dispersed in it changes. | This result is identical with the Lorenz's shortening of the length. | This assertion can be summarized in a general law of interaction.
7. Multidimensional dynamic equilibrium: ...the symmetrical behavior... | The invariance of physical laws...
8. A bounderline case: ...the theoretical model for unification of electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions... | ...the Universe before the Big Bang...
9. Criterion for the micro-particle's elementaryness: ...proton... | ...electron...
10. Summary: The being for itself in comparative degree is a consciousness, an understanding. The being for itself in superlative degree is God.
11. Direct applications of the OntoDialectics: Haw to get over the contradiction materialism - idealism? - "The world is a united whole, because it exists." | Is the world knowable? | The theory of elementary particles, the virtual elementary particles, the fundamental interactions... | The Universe's evolution | ...parallel worlds and super-light speeds... | Updating of the relations: person - Absolute. << BACK
1. Short introduction:
My name is Milko Gartchev and I was born in town of Panagjuriste-Bulgaria on 5 August 1955. I finished the technical school for mining industry in my hometown (1974) and than graduated the University for mining industry and geology (1982) and New Bulgarian University (1999). I'm a diplomaed mining engineer on trade (mineral processing) and bachelor of economics and business administration. I have a specialization in the field of mineral technologies, mathematical models and optimization of technologies, too (1982).
I live with my family in my hometown and work since 1982 in "Assarel-Medet" JSC on different positions from master of shift in the plant, to chief expert in mineral processing and department manager by the company's administration. I've published any my articles in the technical magazines and implanted in the production some innovations with important technological and financial results.
The subject of this research takes my interest since 1984, when I've proposed for publication my article "For space and time - is it necessary to correct our concepts?" In 1987 my research was entered in the register of INRA -Sofia (now Patent service) as a request for discovery under the name "General law of interaction". Then my work was discussed official in the Bulgarian academy of sciences, too. But my ideas have received recognition for first time on the First Bulgarian congress of perspective and unconventional problems, held in Sofia in May 1992. A series of publications followed (1994 - 95): in the collection of reports from the congress, in periodical press and as an individual issue of publishing house "Bogianna", named "Introduction to the Ontodialectics as a theory of things from the elementary to the God".
At the same time I've made an application to the National fund "Scientific researches" to finance my future investigations, but without success. Don't give a result and my efforts to earn the necessary funds through innovation activities in "Asarel-Medet" JSC. In the beginning of 1999 I've published my investigations in Internet at address http://members.spree.com/education/ontosite/. But this site was deleted two years later, when the free Web hosting by Spree.com was suspended. The lack of money detains my research on its position from 1998. Making the present publication I hope to find sponsors and followers to continue development and popularization of OntoDialectics.My wife - Frenia Gartcheva is mining engineer and works as teacher in a technical school. We have two sons - Tervel (1980) and Apostol (1983). I'm thankful all my family for love and assistance they give me. << BACK
2. Preface:
"The World is a united whole and of necessity have to be described from only one theory." This view, if not in so obvious form, has dominated always in consciousness of scientists. The formulation of fundamental principles, which explain the essence of the united world, has been perceived always from the looking human spirit not only as an ideal, but also as a direct purpose. And this is so during of millenniums from the time of Tales and Anaximandar to the today's heady epoch of A. Einstein, R. Plank and St. Hawking. The covered way is saturated with successes, failures and particularly with contradictions. The history of sciences (and especially of philosophy, physics and mathematics) is full of examples. And not the history alone! The roots of this propensity - the world to be perceived as a united whole and from one only point of view explicable, is possible to be looked successfully far away in time and not only in the Bible and in the Mahabharata. << BACK
Is it truth, that: "The world is a united whole, because it is material!" (as maintain the materialists from Levkip and Demokrit up to Marx and Engels), or it is such, because in its basis was fixed this idea from God-Creator (according to opinion of the idealists from Platon up to Hegel and subsequently)? The mankind has seen here always the main question of the world. But is here really a such dilemma? << BACK
I hope the Ontodialectics will give a response of the questions placed above. And this article (Web - page) is an introduction to this theory. You don't find here a complete review or a destroying-critical analysis about current views on this subject. On the contrary! You will fall directly in the storm wind of the new theory. You will touch to the nature of things, which is issued as a naked conceptual framework. You will collide with a radical, according to the T. Kun's criterion change of the paradigm, which gives a possibility for alternative arrangement of generally well known things. From it occur also some, on first sight improbable creative insights. The main onto-principles are formulated philosophically grounded, logically consecutive and strict mathematically. The today's knowledge about the elementary particles, the conservation laws, the laws of interaction, the laws of the universe-evolution etc., are integrated in a new fundamental theory, in which the Relativity theory, the Quantum theory, the theories of elementary particles… write themselves as private theories.
Machiavelli was right when spoken that there isn't a larger intellectual feat than the usual things in a new order to arrange. But, I think no smaller spiritual feat is if you give yourself efforts to accept with open-heart one new conception of the world, which someone other has created using the well known elements, but in an unusual order.
The ability of St. Hawking to write scientific best sellers, who are sold as popular journals in newspaper's kiosks, make me an impression, but unfortunately I can not use this method. The Ontodialectics makes their first and even impudent footsteps and therefore exactly INTERNET is the ideal launch-place. The interest and the disregard, the attention and the pride, the acknowledgment and the denial, can enter in collision responsibly, openly and directly namely in the network and in this opposition the new theory can take the place, which it deserves.
Welcome to the OntoDialectics! Investigate the offered construction quietly and with attention, make you familiar with the used elements and methods by its building. Try to understand, reconstruct or destroy it. What you to do, your efforts will be always useful. In each case you are welcome! << BACK
3. Introduction to the Ontodialectics:
From the Descartes's time it's well known, that a scientific theory must never base on doubtful preconditions.
"I exist!" - this is undoubtedly the most authentic assertion, which everyone subject of the knowledge can declare in front of itself or public. Making this, he not needed any empirical or rational proofs. My belief, that "I am!" cannot be shaken even from the authorities such E. Kant. And truly, they could not enter with me in a controversy and disprove me, if I don't exist really. What a nature, what a character has my subjective belief: primary-elemental or secondary-derived, transitory or eternal, conscious or intuitive, deeply subconscious or rational-speculative - the answer of these questions simply has not significance. "I am!" and nobody can deny the authenticity of my assertion, in the moment when I it declare. Why does the theory not begin from here? << BACK
My belief that "I exist!" is connected genetically with my faith that "My other (Not-I) exists, too!" The elementary-simple but authentic assertion "I am!" complicates itself imperceptibly and enriches itself to "I'm something detached and different from my other, from this that exists outside of me (Not-I)!" What is my other, what are its special features, is it cognizably or not - my faith that "It is!" can not be shaken from these questions. This statement is incontestable in the same way. If it's only right that "I am!" - there is nobody, whom I can opposite and in front of him I can deny this assertion. If this contradiction is based I act on necessity against Not-I, against that whose existence I want to reject. << BACK
And so, the individuality cannot perceive itself as something detached without to oppose to its other, against this that it has outside of itself. In this way the both statements: "I exist!" and "It (Not-I) exists!" - appear as two faces of the extreme-common statement "The existent is!" Not-I and I have something common, which is internal inherent for us. It connects and opposes us and shows directly in the fact that we exist.
"The existent is!" - this is the most common statement, which we as subjects of the knowledge can to express. For existent we have feelings, impressions, concepts and ideas. We can think, understand, investigate and convert it. The most general determination of things, phenomena and processes, which we can say for them is that they exist. Exist not only material things from the neutrino and the electron to the Universe as an objective reality, independent from human vanity, but also the ideal things - from dream to individual concept, to the idea about God, to the most complicated scientific theories. The world is a united whole because it exists. The existent is inside in us, it is everywhere around us - it is everything. Its other - the nothing does not exist << BACK
That, which has no existence does not reflect in our perceptions. It’s impossible positive expressions to be stated about it. Each positive form as "It is..." defines (determines) it as existent hence all predicates are strange and uninherent to it. The existent is a united whole, its other - the nothing (empty from being and characteristics) can not to limit, to disintegrate and to transform it. The united existent accepted as closed system conserves and preserves itself. << BACK
The self-conservation (self-preservation) of the existent can be reduced to this: it passes never and it turns never in its other, i.e. in nothing. In this way stands also the question about origin of things, which exist. The being does not occur from nonexistent and never transforms itself in its other, independent what the philosophers state from Heraklit, Levkip and Demokrit up to this day. The nothing that has a future being is not current nothing, but something in a potential form, i.e. existent. The things, which can to be moved and to be changed ("arise" and "disappear") - are in relationship with space and time, with the objective reality whereas the empty from existence noting has no relations. << BACK
The self-determination of the existent is a natural law based on the fact that there is nothing outside of it that could to impose some real restrictions to the in being. This, which determines as material or as ideal first of all, exists. The characteristics, which it has: to determine and to limit are internal from that, which is and has existence. The nothing deprived from being and characteristics, is not detached, it's not determinate and cannot determine its other. The existent as something that conserves itself and determines itself changes itself on necessarily in absolute contrast to its other. The nothing, deprived from being does not conserve itself, does not determine itself and does not change itself, but it is not in rest, too. In such way this, which is appears as everything, as Absolute while the nothing simply doesn't appear. << BACK
The existent appears as a multitude of concrete detached things - a united variety of ideas and objects with specific characteristics, connections and relationships. It not appears as something united, equal, identical and undetached in itself because in this case it will united with its other. But it can not appear also as something united, equal, identical and detached in itself because the border between it and that, which does not exist is a relation ant the nothing is one of the sides. Appearing as a primary being, which lies in the basis of all concretely detached things the existent is extremely simple - a boundlessness from elementary onto-particles (EOP).
In this kind as primary being the existent is an unity of being in itself - which separates each elementary onto-particle as something individual and different from its similar and being with others - as joint existence of all elementary particles in a variety, which conserves itself, determinates itself and changes itself. << BACK
Appears as everything "in other edge of the scale" the existent is Absolute - unity of being in itself and being for itself. Changing itself, conserving itself and determining itself directly without to have a joint being with its other the existent is a closed system whit its own internal principles and laws, which it is able to find out, to understand, to apply and to manage purposefully. As it becomes obviously for each subject of knowledge the being in itself is current "on the whole length of scale", in the all-possible form of existence. The being with others appears only within in the united existing everything whereas the being for itself shows when the mutual-determining role of the being with others reduces and the self-knowledge and the self-consciousness take gradually their place. << BACK
4. Formulation and physical interpretation of the basic onto-principles:
Let we have a look at the world of primary-elementary things using instruments of the conventional nature's philosophy. The most complete and most perfect quantitative-qualitative notion about the conservation of the things in itself from positions of the modern physics gives us the concept mass, which is introduced as an extreme-common measure of the thing's inertia. About the elementary onto-particles this concept must be understood as elementary, minimum-possible quantity of inertia, which characterizes the being in itself as something separated and detached. << BACK
We saw that the existence of the things in a primary elementary form is impossible outside of their mutual correlation. The complicated coexistence’s relation of the elementary onto-particles into its detachment and one against other in entirety gives us the most complete notion about volume and contents of the concept (category) space. A more universal definition of it as reality is impossible to be given. The physical conception about "the void" or about "the empty space" (from Levkip to A. Einstein), which plays the role of chest (storage) for the things are so naive that appears akin with the nothing.
Each elementary onto-particle is detached in its own elementary space cell (ESC) with its own place within everyting and with its own length. Between the cells there are not free (empty) places occupied from the nothing. They limit, determine and change mutually themselves and in this way the united existent things conserve and determine themselves in a multitude of states (conditions). << BACK
The complicated coexistence’s relation of the elementary onto-particles in a multitude of internal and mutual among cells detached states (conditions), which alternate one after other coincides on scope and content with the concept time. For the individual elementary onto-particle each external undivisible state of detachment, self-conservation and self-changing is equal (on duration) to an elementary time’s interval (ETI). << BACK
It follows we could to describe successfully the individual elementary onto-particle in a simplest way through its inertia or elementary mass Me , its space’s detachment as ESC with length Xe and its time’s detachment in ETI with duration Te . In this yaw the already verbal formulated laws of self-conservation and self-determination of the existent can be express mathematically on the elementary particle's level through these quantities in the form of two fundamental onto-principles (FOP):
FOP1 = F1 (Me; Xe; Te) = K1 and FOP2 = F2 (Me; Xe; Te) ³ K2 .
K1 and K2 are fundamental onto-constants. The first of them shows that the existent as being in itself conserves itself while the second reflects its capability to determine itself and to change itself. F1 and F2 are fundamental onto-characteristics (relations between the basic quantities), which describe the existent in its elementary form.
In a purely physical aspect the dimension’s analysis of the used in system SI measure units shows that the simplest expressions, which correspond by contents and sense to the both fundamental onto-principles, are:
FOP1 = Me * Xe * Te0 = K1 = h / C and FOP2 = Me * Xe2 * Te-1 ³ K2 = h ,
where: h = 1,0545919 * 10-34 kg m2/s is the Plank's constant (quantum of action), and C = 2,997925 * 108 m/s is the speed of light.<< BACK
The appearance of this fundamental physical constants in the above formulated fundamental onto-principles we can completely to explain by investigating the connections (relations) between inertia, space and time on primary-elementary level. Existing within everything as something detached the individual elementary onto-particle conserves and determines itself and this fact reflects in its inertia, length (stretch) and elementary interval of time. These three quantities can be changed undoubtedly only with values, which are equivalent themselves and always different and bigger than zero. The length (extent) of ESC changes itself in one ETI with DX = Xe > 0 , and the inertia of the elementary onto-particles can to grow only with DM = Me > 0 . The briefer intervals of time DT < Te , the shorter lengths (extents) DX < Xe and the smaller inertia DM < Me , are concepts without ontological sense (meaning). It becomes obviously that the basic quantities, which characterize the existent in primary-elementary form, can not change themselves with such values, which don’t exist.
The boundary value of the relation DX /DT when DT®Te has dimension of speed and gives us the self-determination's quickness of being in itself:
lim DX / DT = [(Xe + Xe) - Xe] / Te = Xe / Te = Ve .
The first time-derivative of this speed by DT®0 , i.e. in those intervals of time, which are shorter than Te is equal on definition to the acceleration, with shows us how Ve changes within the elementary interval of time:
lim DVe / DT = [(Xe / DT + 0) - Xe / DT] / DT = 0 .
From where becomes obviously that the self-determination’s speed of the detached in elementary onto-particles (being in itself) primary existent is a constant equal on necessity to the speed of light as extreme-possible in the nature.
Similarly the constant K2 in the second fundamental onto-principle, which have dimension of action does not have smaller value than quantum of Plank. << BACK
The authenticity of the fundamental onto-principles can be checked in each moment of time if we give to the basic quantities, which characterize the elementary onto-particles appropriate increase and thus we ascertain that principles save their validity.
For the first of them is in force the following equality:
FOP1 = (Me + DM) * (Xe + DX) = K1 , or in developed form:
FOP1 = Me * Xe + Me * DX + DM * Xe + DM * DX = K1 .
This result seems different only on first view. If we analyze it from ontological position the things receive their correct sense. From the new four members, which are gotten after remove of brackets only the product DM*DX has actual ontological meaning. In the member Me*Xe is reflected the being, which has already realized itself in the last elementary interval of time Te . This being after an increase of the time DT > 0 updates itself as DM*DX .
The others both members - Me*DX and DM*Xe correspond mathematically to one not feasible being. It's impossible one and the same elementary onto-particle to conserve itself by two different values of its inertia and its length (stretch) in one and the same elementary interval of time or in two different mutually eliminated states (conditions).
So by Me*Xe , which updates itself permanently as DM*DX and Me*DX = DM*Xe = 0 in each moment of time will be in force the expression DM*DX = K1 , which reflects the self-conservation of the primary elementary existent for unlimited time to infinity.
For the second fundamental onto-principle we will receive similarly:
FOP2 = DM * DX2 / DT ³ K2 . << BACK
In what kind of content does concretize itself the deeply physical sense of the fundamental onto-principles? The conservation lows of energy and momentum can be derived without any difficulties from the first of them. The first time-derivative from FOP1 by DT®Te gives us the impulse, which belong of the internal-inherent mass of the elementary onto-particles:
lim D (Me * Xe) / DT = Me * (Xe / Te) = Me * C = Pe .
From it follows that the first time-derivative of the impulse is equal to zero when DT®0 :
lim DPe / DT = [(Me + 0) - Me] * C / DT = 0 .
Hence we can assume that the conservation lows of energy and momentum were proved from an onto-dialectical point of view. << BACK
In such way from the first fundamental onto-principle by Xe = C*Te it follows:
Me * C * Te = h / C and then: Me * C2 = h * 1 / Te = Ee ,
i.e. we get at one and the same time in a summarized equation not only the well known Einstein's formula of full energy, but also the de-Broil's formula of energy of anyone physical body with frequency of the own wave, which is equal to 1/T . In such way the corpuscular-wave concepts about the matter (substance) affirms itself directly on the elementary onto-particles’ level not only as mutual-additional according to the opinion of physics (Nils Bor), but as existence-connected, as united in their existence and it occurs from the own essence of the existent. << BACK
About the second fundamental onto-principle we discover that its form and its content are equal to the Heisenberg's relation of the indeterminacy. This becomes particular obviously after the substitutions:
DX / DT = C and DM * C = DP
after which we receive:
FOP2 = DM * DX2 / DT = DP * DX ³ K2 = h .
Here the indeterminacy (indefiniteness) in the process of self-determination and self-changing of the elementary onto-particle, which is reflected from the growth of its inertia DM, its elementary interval of time DT, (or equivalent from the increase of its impulse DP) and from its length (space-detachment) DX , has an ontological, but not gnoseological (cognitive) character. The indeterminacy in OntoDialectics dipends not so much from our efforts to measure different characteristics of elementary onto-particle, how many from internal essence of the existent in its primary-elementary form.
Similarly we could reach to a like expression for the indeterminacy between time and energy. By:
DX = DT * C and DP * C = DE it follows: DE * DT ³ h .
Here DE as also above Ee is the internal-inherent energy of the ålementary onto-particle as the most common measure of the movement (the self-changing). << BACK
5. Self-determination and self-formation of the existent:
The coexistence of the things in space and time, without they to be disintegrated from the nothing, signifies that each individual onto-particle when detaches and changes itself also determines and changes the its next elementary onto-particles. And conversely - the inertia, the length (stretch) and the elementary time interval of each individual onto-particle are in a close dependence with changes in the basic characteristics of its neighbor onto-particles. In this way through the individual (particular) things the existent forms itself as everything. This is a global process of interaction and movement’s exchange. Let we look at it somewhat closer.
On this figure are given the source of light LQ and the receiver of light LE on a distance L between them. The source of light, the receiver of light and also the space, which separates them, are consisted of elementary onto-particles with appropriate inertia DM , stretch DX and time’s DT detachment. For the onto-particle 1 from the source of light in accordance with second onto-principles we have:
DX1 ³ h / DP1 , and also: DT1 ³ h / DE1 .
Using the well known relationship between energy and impulse as two different measures of the movement, we can derive:
DX1 ³ C * h / DE1 ,
from where it's seen clearly, the length (the extent) DX1 of the elementary onto-particle 1 depends directly and inverse proportionally from its energy.
Let the same onto-particle 1 of the source of light radiates in anyone moment a part of its energy as a light's quantum with impulse DP parallel to OX axle toward the receiver LE . Determining itself in this way onto-particle 1 changes also its length from DX1 to DX1' , or:
DX1' ³ h / (DP1 - DP) ,
DT1' ³ h / [C * (DP1 - DP)].
If we pay attention that between the next elementary onto-particles there are not "free" places it becomes obviously - the onto-particle 2 receives increase of its impulse with DP from onto-particle 1 and its length will become shorter from DX2 to DX2' :
DX2' ³ / (DP2 + DP) ,
DT2' ³ h / [C * (DP2 + DP)] .
The inference is obvious. The elementary onto-particle 1 in process of its self-determination transfers energy to the next onto-particle 2 and in this way determines it. The onto-particle 2 from its side can delay some time the received increase of its impulse or will transmit it immediately to the following elementary onto-particle 3, and so to the signal's arrival in the receiver of light LE . << BACK
The same process, which runs continuously in the united whole of the existent things, gives us the way of self-determination of the existent in entirety as everything. This "mechanism" is also in the bases of "the light's propagation in the void with constant speed". Thus can to be explain with success the behavior of virtual elementary particles, too.
In above given example the quantum of light with impulse DP has gone in one elementary time's interval DT a distance, which is equal to the length of elementary space cell DX. From the relation:
[h / (DP1 - DP) - h / DP1] / {[h / (DP1 - DP) - h / DP1] / C} = C ,
where the numerator is equal to the way, which the impulse DP walked and the denominator is alike of the used time, we can see that it has become with the speed of light C. The same speed of propagation of light in the existent space, but not "in the void", will be measured by the arrival of the light's quantum with impulse DP in the receiver of light LE. The elementary onto-particle p from the receiver of light, which receives an increase of impulse DP will reduce its length with the same speed C. << BACK
The above-described mechanism of interaction and elementary onto-particles' mutual determination explains also the fact why the photon's mass at rest is equal to zero. The cause is simple: the photon (the energy quantum) is not detached as an individual elementary onto-particle with its own length, internal-inherent inertia and elementary time interval. It is only an elementary portion of movement, which does not have being in itself, and which transmits between individual-detached elementary onto-particles by their direct interaction. << BACK
6. General law of interaction:
It's obviously that the real-existent macro space must possess the same amazing characteristic as individual elementary onto-particles - to become smaller or to spread when the quantity of energy dispersed in it changes.
In the next figure is given the "undeformable ruler" AB in condition of rest.
Let it is made from N-number arbitrary arranged elementary onto-particles with average energy DE0 and average length of the elementary onto-cells DX0 ³ C * h / DE0 . In this case the full energy of the ruler will be:
E0 = N * DE0 , and its length:
L0 = K * DX0 ³ K * C * h / DE0 = K * N * C * h / E0 ,
where K = 1, 2, 3… to K is whole number, which shows how many time the length of the ruler is bigger than DX0 . If we in purely physical sense make any work A over the ruler and bring it out from its condition of rest, as we coerce it to move parallel the OX-axle with speed Vab > 0 , its full energy will increase to the following value:
E = E0 + A .
L0 ³ K * N * C * h / E0 to: L ³ K * N * C * h / E .
The Relation:
L0 / L = [K * N * C * h / E0] / [K * N * C * h / E] = E / E0
gives us how many time the length of the ruler will decrease if its energy was increased from E0 to E . From it follows:
L = L0 * E0 / E . << BACK
This result is identical with the Lorenz's shortening of the length - L = L0 * (1 - V2 / C2) 0,5, which is derived in the Relativity theory. Here V is the speed of the ruler. It becomes especial obviously, if according to the same theory the multiplier (1 - V2 / C2) 0,5 has been expressed through the full energy:
E = E0 / (1 - V2 / C2) 0,5 .
However the sense of these expression is different in principle. The Lorenz's shortening of the length was derived as a result of abstract-geometrical relations between the physical objects, which move with high speeds in the "void". In the same time the shortening of the ruler in the above given example is a natural consequence from the interaction between bodies built from real-existent elementary onto-particles and real space composed also from the same onto-particles. << BACK
Now we can summarize this assertion in one General law of the interaction.
This figure displays the bodies
1 and 2, which are located at any distance L0 one from other. They are in the real-existent space composed from N1-number arbitrary situated elementary onto-cells. The average energy of the elementary onto-particles in the space is DEos and their full energy amounts accordingly to:
Eos = N1 * DEos .
The average energy of the elementary onto-particles formatted the bodies is DEob . Their number is N2 and their full common energy amounts to:
Eob = N2 * DEob .
We have just saw - determining themselves the elementary onto-particles exchange movement (energy) and mutually form themselves. Thus the relation between the full energy of the space Es and the full energy of the bodies Eb will change itself continuously. When the energy of bodies reduces, the energy of space will increase. In this case the space will shrink itself. And in contrary - if the space delivers some quantity of its energy to the bodies it will becomes wider. In the first case we have:
Eb = N2 * DEb = Eob - A and Es = N1 * DEs = Eos + A ,
where A is the work doing from the bodies for contraction of the space and shortening of the distance between their centers of inertia. In this case it’s obvious - the deduced equation for ruler’s length will be in the strength, or:
L = L0 * Eos / Es .
The work A, as it is visible, is equal to the energy of the interaction:
If we express from here the energy of the space:
Es = Eos + (Eob - Eb) = Eos + Ei
and replace it in the formula for the length L, we will receive the General law of interaction (GLI) in a summarized form:
L = L0 * Eos / [Eos + (Eob - Eb)] = L0 * Eos / (Eos + Ei) ,
which gives us, how the length between the centers of inertia of the interacting bodies 1 and 2 depends from changes in their energies (energy of interaction), and from full initial energy of the space, which divides them.
If the bodies repulse one from other in result of a space’s expansion, and if the space gives them some quantity of its energy, the energy of interaction Ei will be with a negative symbol:
L = L0 * Eos / (Eos - Ei) .
Or in the most common form the General law of interaction (GLI) will be:
L = L0 * Eos / (Eos ± Ei) . << BACK
7. Multidimensional dynamic equilibrium:
Till now we have investigated the one-dimensional case of interaction between two elementary onto-particles and the received results we have summarized for each pair of macro-bodies located in the real space on casual distance L one from other. Let we pay attention now to the multidimensional dynamic equilibrium where each elementary onto-particle is in conditions of coexistence with its direct neighbors in the real-existent space. We will accept that the elementary onto-particle 1 is in direct contact with N-number next onto-particles. Because the complicated system of relations, in which the elementary onto-particles 1 is a side subordinates itself to the fundamental onto-principles, will be valid the following:
from FOP1 Þ |
DÌ(1®2) * DÕ(1®2) = h / Ñ |
DÌ(1®3) * DÕ(1®3) = h / Ñ |
DÌ(1®4) * DÕ(1®4) = h / Ñ |
... |
DÌ(1®N) * DÕ(1®N) = h / Ñ , and by analogy: |
from FOP2 Þ |
[DÌ(1®2) * DÕ(1®2) ] / DT(1®2) ³ h |
[DÌ(1®3) * DÕ(1®3) ] / DT(1®3) ³ h |
[DÌ(1®4) * DÕ(1®4) ] / DT(1®4) ³ h |
... |
[DÌ(1®N) * DÕ(1®N) ] / DT(1®N) ³ h . << BACK |
The set of equations deduced from FOP1 describes the multidimensional dynamic equilibrium of elementary onto-particle 1 in the real space. From these equations follow that in each direction - from (1®2) up to (1®N), the elementary onto-particle 1 has one and the same symmetrical behavior. It changes its inertia DM and its length DX so that its product (independent of the direction) always conserves itself as a constant = h / C . Through this symmetry in relations of elementary onto-cells can be explained not only the invariance of the physical laws in each point of the real space, but also the absence of "void (free places)" between the individual elementary onto-particles. They don’t seem as regular symmetric geometrical bodies, but as multidimensional inert-space configurations, for which always and in each separate direction is correctly that: DM * DX = h / C .
The system of inequalities deduced from FOP2 shows that the dynamic equilibrium status of the elementary onto-particle will be conserved as it does continuously in each elementary interval of time and in each possible direction some action ³ h or stands such action from its next onto-particles. << BACK
8. A boundary case:
Let we now pay attention to the boundary case. The least possible quantity of energy DEmin , which characterizes the connection between two next elementary onto-particles, can be received when we replace Ei in the General law of interaction with appropriate significance of the least intensive of all known interactions, i.e. gravitation. Then:
Eos = G * M1 * M2 / (L0 - L)
and by L0 - L » DX , and M1» M2» DM we get: Eos = DEmin or:
DEmin = G * DM2 / DX .
We could to assume that in the conditions of dynamic equilibrium if the neighbor elementary onto-particles have energy near to the minimal-possible in this status, DEmin®DE . Here the full energy of each individual elementary onto-particle is given through the already well known formula:
DE = DM * C2 = h * 1 / DT .
In this case, we could to write:
DE = DM * C2 = h * 1 / DT ³ G * DM2 / DX ,
from where by DX ³ h / DM * C can be received:
DM £ (h * C / G) 0,5 . << BACK
This result is similar to the expression aem = e2 / h * C , which is received in theoretical model of association electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions. Here e is the electrical charge of the electron and aem appears as an universal constant. It is necessary to underline that in the formula, which we derived above DM is a quantitative measure of the full inertia of the elementary onto-particles, and not only of the electromagnetic inertia as e appears.
If we replace above h, C and G with their experimental fixed values, we will receive:
DM £ (1,054591 * 10-34 * 2,997925 * 108 / 6,626196 * 10-11)0,5 £ 2,184339 * 10-8 kg.
And from FOP1 for the minimal-possible length of the elementary onto-particles follows:
DX ³ h / DM * C ³ (1,054591 * 10-34 / 2,184339 * 10-8 * 2,997925 * 108) ³ 1,610434 * 10-35 m.
At these boundary values the star, similar to the sun can reduce itself gravitationally in approximately 9,2 * 1037 elementary onto-particles, which compact ordered could form themselves in a ball-similar body with volume approximately 1,9 * 18-67 m3 , which is 4,9 * 1021-multiple smaller than electron. This example shows us how from the positions of the Ontodialectics we can to explain the singular-status where was the Universe before Big Bang. << BACK
9. Criterion for the micro-particle's elementaryness:
As it’s already visible the Ontodialectics gives (from physical point of view) some important theoretical results. But here is especially important the fact that on their basis they can be confirmed experimentally, too. Such possibility gives us in particular the following criterion of micro particle's elementaryness:
DX ³ C * h / DE ³ 2R ,
where R is the experimentally fixed radius of the elementary particle. Formulated in this way the criterion means that elementary is only this really existing micro-particle, which can exist without restrictions in the time in the frameworks of only one elementary space cell by identical energy for the particle and the cell. << BACK
The criterion of the micro-particle's elementaryness gives the following results for proton and electron:
The characteristics |
of proton: |
of electron: |
1. Mass of the particle at rest |
1,67*10-27 |
9,11*10-31 |
2. Energy of the particle at rest Ì0*Ñ2, j |
1,50*10-10 |
8,20*10-14 |
3. Experimentally fixed diameter of the particle, m |
3,00*10-15 |
5,62*10-15 |
4. Length of the equivalent elementary space cell (ESC) DÕ by V = 0, m |
2,10*10-16 |
3,84*10-13 |
5. Length of the equivalent elementary space cell (ESC) DÕ by V = 99,90% from Ñ, m |
2,15*10-18 |
3,96*10-15 |
The results show that from the both particles only the electron satisfies the criterion of the micro-particle's elementaryness in all possible speeds. If the speed of electron exceeds 99,90% from C, the length of its equivalent elementary space cell becomes smaller than its diameter. It's very probably, that the bigger increase of the energy will cause a quantitative jump, when the electron in consent with FOP1 will be transformed in new different particle with larger inertia (mass in condition at rest) and smaller length.
The proton has even in condition at rest a diameter, which is 10 times bigger than the length of its equivalent elementary space cell. It shows that this particle can not fit in and can not exist within in only one elementary space cell. This is a convincing proof, that the proton is a complicated particle with its own internal structure. << BACK
10. Summary:
Beginning from the elementary onto-particles and going across the atom and the molecule, the complex and the organic compounds, the viruses and the bacteria... we can reach to those appearances of the existent when together with being in itself and being with others on the stage enters also the being for itself. When the individually detached things begin to perceive their own individuality as something different from this, which exists outside of them and start to determine themselves going out of this perceptions.
The being for itself in comparative degree is a consciousness, an understanding. The being for itself in superlative degree is God, but not Absolute. Absolute is able to be only the united existent as everything.
For the being to go within everything the way from primary-elementary things to the God is more than trivial. The God is a necessity in the Ontodialectics. It’s problematic whether the human understanding will have a chance and strengths to walk this way. << BACK
11. Direct applications of the Ontodialectics:
After everything issued above you are surely convinced that the Ontodialectics gives us some improbable opportunities to interpret constructively more sides of the reality. On its basis the union between incompatible views, ideas and scientific theories becomes naturally and elementary. Thus stand the things between materialism and idealism in philosophy, between Relativity theory, Quantum theory and theories of fundamental interactions in physics etc. But it’s impossible to reveal in only one article the complete abilities of Ontodialectics. In this aspect I have a duty to give here a short list of problematic-scientific areas where the onto-dialectical approach can be used in near future with success.
Problematic-scientific areas where the Ontodialectics can be used directly:
A. Philosophy and methodology:
Haw to get over the contradiction materialism - idealism? - "The world is a united whole because exists." The question "What is primary - the egg or the chicken?" has a sense only in the contexts of an open system, which cannot disregard its own being with others. Within the existent everything the all possible things are equivalent probable and their alternation in a strict causal succession is a process, which have no start and no end. The time, the space, the matter, the idea... all are only attributes of that, which is - of the existent and no one of them can claim to be primary. << BACK
Is the world knowable? - The basic question of the philosophy from gnoseological (cognitive) point of view sounds in this way. One-digit response with "Yes!" or "No!" is difficult to be given. The theory issued above is a descriptive example. Accepting the existent as Absolute, which conserves itself, determines itself and knows itself, we understand that we can not look inside of the elementary onto-cell and describe their internal structure. Simultaneously we saw that the contemporary science is full with categories, concepts and views, which have not ontological sense. The point, the straight line, the empty set and others mathematical concepts; the 3-dimensional void, the particles as the photon, which have not inertia, the physical vacuum and others similar conditions in the physics are only comfortable, general-recognized conventions. Using them we try to facilitate our way to the essence of the being. It is good that the cognition has the improbable ability continuously to realize its own errors. << BACK
B. Nature-philosophy, micro- and macro-world:
The theory of the elementary particles, the virtual-elementary particles, the fundamental interactions and all connected with them
are areas of the cognition where we had already seen the applicability of the Ontodialectics. The results are more than obvious. Exclusive interesting is the opportunity to be reconsidered the quantum atom’s model. << BACKThe Universe’s evolution is another area of the cognition where the Ontodialectics will exercise without doubt considerable influence. The Big Bang in the model of the inflation Universe can not be understood any more as start of the world. The density of the matter and the accelerated speed of the process in the singular condition are quite natural transit (however not initial) conditions of the Universe in the contexts of the new theory. << BACK
The parallel worlds and the super light speeds remain in the area of the fantasy. The existence of the parallel worlds presupposes - in one and the same place and in one and the same time exist two different essences without interact one with other. This is impossible by the elementary onto-particles. The penetration of one elementary onto-particle within in the other will cause to self-destruction (self- destroy) of the being in itself. The achieving of super light speeds is possible only if the being in itself determines itself with bigger speed than C. This means that the interaction between ESC and the transmission of energy between them must becomes also with super light speeds. The pronouncement of a similar assumption from onto-dialectical point of view is groundless. << BACK
C. Person and society:
Updating of the relations: person - Absolute.
Try now to recollect how this introduction began and continue our initial series of authentic statements:"I am and my other is too! We are the existent everything. The existent conserves itself and determines itself in contrast to nothing - the existent is Absolute. I am a part from this Absolute - unity from being in myself, being with others and being for myself; it’s my internal inherent to conserve myself, to determine myself and with my other within in everything to interact..." And so on. The question about the harmony in the relations of the person with others and in general with the environment goes out on first line. And this question can be decided not due to the 10-God’s orders or the ethics of the communist party, but from I-position - from the position of this I, which perceives itself as insignificant but still a part from the Absolute.
Try now to imagine how the society would be looked, if it was consisted in its majority from such persons. My imagination is strengthless for such feat. << BACK
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